A Kahuku waterman offers a unique learning experience for visitors with the help of his canine companions.

A service dog vest would cramp Aka’s style while surfing the North Shore. But his presence calms those who are new to surfing.

If the dog can surf, so can anyone.

Rocky Canon runs North Shore Ocean Guides, or NSOG Hawaii, in the waters near Turtle Bay Resort in Kahuku. The professional surfer turned surf competition broadcast announcer loves to share his love of Oahu’s waters. So do his dogs.

Aka keeps his nose near the nose as Myla Rezmovits, 7, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, waits for Rocky Canon to paddle onto a Kuilima Cove wave on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at Turtle Bay Resort in Kahuku. Canon runs (North Shore Ocean Guides) NSOG Hawaii to share his love of the ocean with clients. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Aka keeps his snout near the nose of the board as Myla Rezmovits, 7, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, waits for Rocky Canon to paddle onto a Kuilima Cove wave on Wednesday at Turtle Bay Resort in Kahuku. Canon runs North Shore Ocean Guides (NSOG Hawaii) to share his knowledge of the ocean with clients. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)

On a recent Wednesday, visitors from Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, spent their afternoon learning about surf, waves, swells, ocean and how to be good stewards of the aina.

The visitors experienced a small slice of Hawaiian culture with the resident Turtle Bay Resort surf ambassador and his 2-year-old mix Aka.

The former City and County of Honolulu lifeguard offers the Surf With a Pup program along with other experiences including SUP With a Pup, Outrigger Canoe Tours and Junior Waterman.

Jeanne Rezmovits, 10, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, give Aka some chin scratches as Rocky Canon keeps an eye on the horizon in Kuilima Cove on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at Turtle Bay Resort in Kahuku. Canon runs (North Shore Ocean Guides) NSOG Hawaii to share his love of the ocean with clients. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Jeanne Rezmovits, 10, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, gives Aka some chin scratches as Canon keeps an eye on the horizon for the next wave. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Aka tells his dad Rocky Canon to paddle so they can catch a wave with Jeanne Rezmovits, 10, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, in Kuilima Cove on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at Turtle Bay Resort in Kahuku. Canon says Aka and his other dogs trained to surf can usually sense a good wave to catch. He believes his dogs can sense when he’s excited which causes them to bark like a coxswain commanding his rowers. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Aka barks commands for Canon to paddle so they can catch a wave with Jeanne Rezmovits in Kahuku. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)

Canon says Aka and his other dogs trained to surf can usually sense a good wave to catch. He believes his dogs take notice when his energy level goes up causing them to enthusiastically bark like a rowing crew’s coxswain commanding rowers.

Once some momentum adds some stability to the board, Rocky Canon pops up and gives Jeanne Rezmovits, 10, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, a hand while his dog Aka adds some weight to the nose in Kuilima Cove on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at Turtle Bay Resort in Kahuku. Canon runs (North Shore Ocean Guides) NSOG Hawaii to share his love of the ocean with clients. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Once some momentum adds some stability to the board, Canon pops up and gives Jeanne Rezmovits a hand while Aka adds some weight to the nose. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Rocky Canon and his dog Aka balance the nose and tail for Jeanne Rezmovits, 10, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, in Kuilima Cove on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at Turtle Bay Resort in Kahuku. Canon runs (North Shore Ocean Guides) NSOG Hawaii to share his love of the ocean with clients. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Canon and Aka balance the nose and tail of the board for Jeanne Rezmovits as they cruise toward the beach. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)

The girls’ mother Sarah Rezmovits said, “Myla was nervous to get on a surfboard for the first time because she’s always a bit timid trying new things, but she loves dogs so this seemed like a great way to put her at ease.”

Aka watches Myla Rezmovits, 7, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, celebrate with Rocky Canon after catching some waves in Kuilima Cove on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at Turtle Bay Resort in Kahuku. Canon runs (North Shore Ocean Guides) NSOG Hawaii to share his love of the ocean with clients. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Aka watches Myla Rezmovits, 7, celebrate with Canon after catching some waves in Kuilima Cove and then having a loose tooth pop out with ease. “That’s a first,” Canon says as he hands Myla’s mother the tooth. “What does a tooth fairy in Hawaii give?” Sarah Rezmovits asked. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Rocky Canon and his dog Aka surf with Myla Rezmovits, 7, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, in Kuilima Cove on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at Turtle Bay Resort in Kahuku. Canon runs (North Shore Ocean Guides) NSOG Hawaii to share his love of the ocean with clients. Myla’s mother Sarah Rezmovits said, “Myla was nervous to get on a surfboard for the first time because she’s always a bit timid trying new things, but she loves dogs so this seemed like a great way to put her at ease.” (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Myla Rezmovits’ smile shows her Hawaii memories from the North Shore will last a lifetime. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Aka and Myla Rezmovits, 7, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, wrap up a successful surf session with Rocky Canon at Kuilima Cove on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at Turtle Bay Resort in Kahuku. Canon runs (North Shore Ocean Guides) NSOG Hawaii to share his love of the ocean with clients. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Aka and Myla Rezmovits wrap up a successful surf session with Canon at Kuilima Cove. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)

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