About the Author

John Pritchett

John Pritchett is an award-winning cartoonist. He has created artwork in Hawaii for decades, including 20 years at the Honolulu Weekly. See his portfolio on the web at: pritchettcartoons.com. Opinions are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat’s views.

House lawmakers want to scuttle the $400 million rebuild of Aloha Stadium — a priority of Sen. Glenn Wakai — in favor of a stadium at UH Manoa for half the cost. But some $25 million has already been spent on the controversial Halawa site plan.

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About the Author

John Pritchett

John Pritchett is an award-winning cartoonist. He has created artwork in Hawaii for decades, including 20 years at the Honolulu Weekly. See his portfolio on the web at: pritchettcartoons.com. Opinions are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat’s views.

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White Elephant vs Lesson Learned $400 million vs $45 million A white elephant is a name given to undeserving investments that are more trouble than they are worth. Governments look to these investments to generate rapid economic growth by funneling lots of money into subsidized building and infrastructure projects. These are frequently ill-conceived, poorly planned, and a waste of taxpayer money. -InvestopediaThere are 32 NFL teams located in 22 states. Hawaii does not have an NFL team. There are 134 schools in Division 1 Football Bowl Division (FSB) of the National Collegiate Athletic (NCAA) that have varsity football stadiums. There are only 5 college varsity teams that play inside NFL stadiums. College Stadium NFL teamMiami Hardrock Stadium Dolphins Temple Lincoln Field EaglesPitt Acisure Stadium SteelersUNLV Allegiant Stadium RaidersUSF Raymond James Stadium Buccaneers The University of Hawaii Rainbow Warriors football team is in NCAA Division 1 FSB college football and in the Mountain West Conference. The UH Manoa Campus, Home for Rainbow Warriors Football !!!

Clif_Hasegawa · 3 weeks ago

Of course the $400 Million could go to giving people money but where would we be once that money was spent with nothing to show for it but more needy people.

Kalli · 4 weeks ago

In Hawaii, where logic takes a backseat, we're eyeing a new Aloha Stadium. Forget the housing crisis; let's invest in a seldom-used colossus for the occasional concert. UH has fields for sports—no need for more taxpayer dollars there. But why prioritize affordable homes when you can erect monuments to excess? Between the budget-black-hole light rail and "green" initiatives draining resources, it's clear: practicality's out, prestige's in. Let's keep filling contractor pockets and crafting legislators' legacies, sidelining real needs like affordable housing. Because in Hawaii, why solve actual problems when you can build grandeur?

HauulaHaole · 4 weeks ago

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