Civil Beat is committed to reporting accurately and with integrity. If you see anything inaccurate written by staff or contributors to Civil Beat, please contact us by email at Include documentation to support your information.

Civil Beat corrects all factual errors. The decision on whether an error occurred and should be corrected is in Civil Beat’s sole discretion. However readers are free to post comments questioning any Civil Beat decision or article.

Generally, we correct the error at the point in the article where it occurred, with a note letting readers know what was changed and why. This is also how we handle clarifications.

If an article included a significant error, readers will be notified at the top of the article and the erroneous material will be corrected in the body of the article.

All requests for corrections will be considered by the editors, not the reporter who wrote the article.  When inaccurate information is provided by an outside source and the reporter reasonably expected it was trustworthy, Civil Beat will tell its readers the source of the error.

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